DMTL Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
adj_list< V_T, E_T, ALLOC >Core adjacency list class to store the pattern
cache_manager< Key, Data >Class manages the memory cache for the file-based storage manager. cache_manager is responsible for bringing objects into memory and implementing eviction algorithm when the cache is full and a new object needs to be brought in
canonical_code< pattern_props, vertex_t, edge_t, ALLOC >Class represents a generic canonical code
canonical_code< GRAPH_PROP, V_T, E_T, ALLOC >Graph canonical Code class by partial specialization of generic canonical_code class
canonical_code< ISET_PROP, vertex_t, edge_t, ALLOC >Itemset canonical Code class by partial specialization of generic canonical_code class
canonical_code< MSET_PROP, vertex_t, edge_t, ALLOC >Itemset canonical Code class by partial specialization of generic canonical_code class
canonical_code< SEQ_PROP, V_T, E_T, ALLOC >Sequence canonical Code class by partial specialization of generic canonical_code class
canonical_code< TREE_PROP, V_T, E_T, ALLOC >Tree canonical Code class by partial specialization of generic canonical_code class
compare_pos< PATTERN >An operator class in Tree Mining, compares two patterns
count_support< PP, TRANS, st, cc, alloc, sm_type >A generic count support class
count_support< PP, proplist< JOIN_TYPE, proplist< vert_mine, TRANS > >, ST, CC, ALLOC, SM_TYPE >Count_support class partially specialized for vertical mining
db_reader< PATTERN, TOKENIZER, ALLOC >Database Reader class, to read the input file
element_parser< P >Class represents a generic element_parser
element_parser< int >Element parser class for parsing an integer, an specialization of element_parser class
element_parser< std::string >Element parser class for parsing a string, an specialization of element_parser class
eqintFunction object which defines operator= for integer
eqstrFunction object which defines operator= for const char*
evat< ALLOC_ >Edge VAT class to store an occurrence of an edge within a graph
file_storageFile based Storage Manager class, extended from base storage type
five_tuple< V_T, E_T >Storing a five_tuple that represent a labeled edge of a graph
less_than< PAT >Function object for comparing two patterns for less-than
level_one_hmap< V_T, E_T, ALLOC >Class to store edges i.e. level one patterns for graphs;
memory_storageMemory based Storage Manager class, extended from base storage type
pat_fam< P, ST >Pattern Family class, denotes a collection of patterns. No constraint is imposed on the comprising patterns
pattern< PATTERN_PROPS, MINING_PROPS, ST, CC, ALLOC >The Pattern Class
pattern_support< MP >Generic Pattern Support Class that takes care of support counting of a pattern
pattern_support< proplist< Fk_Fk, proplist< vert_mine, proplist< induced, T > > > >Pattern Support class specialized for Fk X Fk join type and induced mining
proplist< prop, next_property >Property list Class to list the properties for generic pattern mining algorithm
seq_instance< MP >Generic sequence instance class
seq_instance< V_Fkk_EMB_MINE_PROP >Class represents precisely one instance i.e. occurrence of a sequence in the dataset. This class is for embedded sequence mining
seq_instance< V_Fkk_IND_MINE_PROP >Class represents precisely one instance i.e. occurrence of a sequence in the dataset. This class is for induced sequence mining
storage_manager< PAT, VAT, ALLOC, ST_TYPE >A Generic Storage Manager class
storage_manager< PAT, VAT, ALLOC, file_storage >Storage Manager class partially specialized to File-based Storage manager to stores VAT in predefined-size buffer and uses a binary file for swapping in/out vats
storage_manager< PAT, VAT, ALLOC, memory_storage >Storage Manager class partially specialized to Memory-based Storage manager to stores VAT in Memory
storage_typeA generic Storage type class for back-end Storage
time_trackerAn auxilary class to keep track of the running time statistics
tokenizer<,, A >Class represent a generic tokenizer
tokenizer< GRAPH_PATTERN, DMTL_TKNZ_PROP, ALLOC >Graph tokenizer class by partial specialization of the generic tokenizer class
tokenizer< ISET_PATTERN, DMTL_TKNZ_PROP, ALLOC >Itemset tokenizer class by partial specialization of the generic tokenizer class
tokenizer< MSET_PATTERN, DMTL_TKNZ_PROP, ALLOC >Itemset tokenizer class by partial specialization of the generic tokenizer class
tokenizer< SEQ_PATTERN, DMTL_TKNZ_PROP, ALLOC >Sequence tokenizer class by partial specialization of the generic tokenizer class
tokenizer< TREE_PATTERN, DMTL_TKNZ_PROP, ALLOC >Tree tokenizer class by partial specialization of the generic tokenizer class
tree_instance< MATCH_LABEL_T, order >Tree_instance class represents one tree_instance in a transaction
vat< PP, MP, ALLOC, ST >Class represents a generic VAT(Vertical Attribute Table)
vat< GRAPH_PROP, V_Fk1_MINE_PROP, ALLOC, ST >Graph VAT class by partial specialization of the generic VAT class
vat< ISET_PROP, V_Fkk_MINE_PROP, ALLOC, ST >Itemset VAT class by partial specialization of the generic VAT class
vat< MSET_PROP, V_Fkk_MINE_PROP, ALLOC, ST >Itemset VAT class by partial specialization of the generic VAT class
vat< SEQ_PROP, V_Fkk_IND_MINE_PROP, ALLOC, VAT_ST >SEQUENCE VAT calss for induced mining by partial specialization of the generic VAT class
vat< TREE_PROP, V_Fkk_EMB_MINE_PROP, ALLOC, VAT_ST >TREE VAT calss for embedded mining by partial specialization of the generic VAT class
vat< TREE_PROP, V_Fkk_IND_MINE_PROP, ALLOC, VAT_ST >TREE VAT class for induced mining by partial specialization of the generic VAT class
vertex_info< VERTEX_T, EDGE_T, ALLOC >Class to store all info associated with a vertex

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